I’ve been feeling a little cranky these last couple of days. At first I thought it was the usual post-holiday meltdown. It’s the same thing every year. I spend lots of time and energy preparing for the big holiday and then when it’s over, I collapse in a gibbering heap suffering from an overload of food, family, and fudge. The triple “F” gets me every year. Still, I love the holiday season.
This year has been especially wonderful as it was our first Christmas together. This time last year, Dan and I were still in a long-distance relationship. (Which sucked royally btw.) So I was practically delirious from happiness as it was but then Christmas came and went…but my mother didn’t.
And guess what else? My sisters are coming in to celebrate the New Year with us, too! Eeeek! I’m starting to wonder if we’re ever going to be alone again and if we don’t get some private time soon, I?m going to explode! You see, lack of privacy equals lack of spankings.
It’s been a couple of weeks now and I’m suffering from a lack of proper spankings. Oh sure, I get the occasional swat and we’ve played a little with that small crop, but it just isn’t enough. In fact, those little spanks are almost annoying. It’s like a mockery of what I really need. I need a real spanking! Aaaaaghhhh!
Dan got a little carried away the other day and started spanking me vigorously with the CB paddle. I’d never noticed how much noise that thing makes when it connects with my bottom but it’s loud. Loud enough to catch my mom’s attention from clear across the house anyway. She called out, “Hey, what’s going on?”
Who knew the walls were so thin? I could’ve died. Not from embarrassment – from frustration.
So here we are, me about to start chewing on the CB paddle to try and relieve my aggravation and Dan trying to find an implement that doesn’t cause my mother to demand to know what’s going on.
The last time, I told her we were hammering a nail into the wall. I wonder if I start bringing in lumber and lots of tools and told her we were working on a home improvement project, if we could get away with at least one good spanking before the New Year. It might be worth a try anyway!