Someone recommended this book to me and luckily I found it among the books at Love’s Package. I’m hoping it’s as good as my friend said it was because I never seem to get enough input on this lifestyle of ours. I generally prefer spanking fiction, but I thought this might be a good read.
Speaking of spanking fiction, I’ve been having a good time reading the entries for the Den’s contest. We’ve had some great entries and it’s really been fun. Unluckily it ends tomorrow and I’ll have to draw for winners. I knew I wouldn’t be able to judge the entries so instead, I’m taking the entrant’s names, putting them into bowls, and drawing for the winners. I just wish I could give everyone who entered a nice oar paddle.
Actually I’d like to give them mine! Darn but that thing stings and stings. Dan wasn’t happy just to have one either, there are two of those little oars hanging on our walls. There’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from spanking implements in our place.
Did anyone see Dan’s post about trying to outrun a spanking? I have nowhere to run. Not so much because of the size of our present place, but because no matter what room I run into, there’s another implement hanging on the wall.
There’s the evil rubber spatula in the kitchen, miniature oar outside the kitchen, another oar in the hallway, small schoolmaster’s strap and short crop by his computer, bath brush in the bathroom, and countless toys in the bedroom. Sheesh!
Sometimes I catch myself running in circles because I can’t decide which implement I’d rather be spanked with at that particular moment. Don’t want to get caught running to the wrong implement! Then, once an implement is found, sometimes I’ll run around in circles some more while he spanks me.
I actually made myself dizzy the other day. I was already a little tender from the spatula and I sure didn’t want to take a chance on any bath brush action, so I was on the run with nowhere to go. I just sort of danced around while Dan laughed at me. Right before he grabbed one of the oars off the wall, of course. Then I did a different kind of dance.
We really need to find a bigger place. There will still be plenty of implements to spread around, but at least I won’t be making myself dizzy as much. *grin*