
Life is good in Spankoland — 3 Comments

  1. Biggest hugs to you, Bethie!!!! Take your time getting completely well before Dan wears you out completely… endorphin overload would NOT be a good thing at the moment, I don’t think. But maybe I’m wrong…

    Either way, just enjoy life and take the spankings when they come, and you KNOW they will! They always do, no matter how long or the reasons why we have to wait in between them sometimes.

    LOVE that pic… I could SO see myself sitting there!!!! I’ve been craving a day trip to the beach. The wind and the waves and the smell of the ocean has such a calming and centering effect on me, always has!

    Love ya!

  2. Thank you, Tiggs! I’m feeling so much better now. Yay!

    I love the ocean so much and I have been missing it horribly of late. Which is why I picked that picture; that’s where I am in my daydreams. 😀

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