
I Needed Help With My Corset — 6 Comments

  1. Hey!
    Im a regular reader but have never commented before. I was just wondering what the issue with getting the corest on is. I’m looking into getting one of my own but like you i’ve never considered the practicality of the idea, just how utterly sexy they are! Would appreciate any advice you have to offer!

  2. Hi Steph, good to have you here! The thing about a corset is not so much the act of getting it on as wearing it comfortably. Am has some really good advice on “getting to know your corset” as well as sizing tips. Since she’s had more experience with them than I, I suggest reading her post about it. I’m still learning. 🙂

  3. I’m in the same boat bethie. Trying to get to know my corset. its fun isn’t it? Oh and I call Am “the corset goddess” LOL 😉