
Brat Spanking — 7 Comments

  1. Wooo, ogre me! LOL — she missed mentioning the actual sequence and sentence I was responding to. I was getting the back and forth and every detail of a long conversation, we were reliving the whole thing in gory detail, and for the life of me I thought I was being punished for having expressed mild interest in the controversy. Like I said to Bethie after I paddled her: a guy who cares about you may want to know about the fact of a contratemps, he may be interested in a ten-word summary of the subject matter, and he may be interested in its outcome. (None of these are guaranteed, but a wise man will fake this much interest if he doesn’t have it. I usually am curious about that much, myself; I wasn’t just humoring Bethie.) But there’s no (straight) man in the world who wants to relive the whole thing with you as you recite every word spoken, with numerous asides to establish emotional context and frequent pauses to marvel at the the numerous failings of the other party.

    But the kicker here is Bethie’s exact words to me: She said “I’m just not interested in hearing that from her!”

    That’s when I broke, and made my teasing remark that made Bethie stick out her tongue.

    I’m *such* an ogre.

  2. I can relate Bethie. Good thing you didn’t do the raspberry or worse.

    Ususally when Fred gets that glazed over “enough already” expression and I get that bubble of reaction to what feels like condesention even if he doesn’t mean it to seem that way, it’s a context thing when I’m out on that already uncomfortable gossipy limb in the first place… I end up saying something mouthy.

    Yup Dan, you’re an ogre. An ogre who spanks. Ain’t life grand. πŸ™‚

  3. Bethie,

    We have a saying around here – “Spankings Happen.” That simple expression excuses all manner of husbandly misunderstandings. If we just start with the assumption that there will have to be some spankings to preserve the domestic tranquility, the actual cause becomes secondary.

    Unless, of course, it’s the tongue… πŸ™‚

  4. Bonnie, yeah, they don’t understand about the tongue do they? Sometimes we just have no control over it! πŸ˜‰

    LOL I posted this earlier under Dan’s name and just corrected that little mistake!