I’ve Been Spatularized!
I thought I was doing pretty good under the New Regime. I’ve done a good job keeping Dan out of the kitchen where his beloved evil rubber spatula hangs on the wall for quite some time. Whenever he comes in, I chase him out. He thinks it’s funny and that’s fine, as long as he stays away from that spatula.
But this week, none of my usual tactics were working. No amount of subterfuge could keep his mind off the spatula. Every time I turned around, there he was menacing me with that evil thing. If he wasn’t trying to get past me into the kitchen, he was threatening to go get it.
I cannot believe how intense that nasty rubber thing is. One good smack with it and I’m hopping around the room clutching my bottom. It delivers a burn that always gets to me. I love me some spanking, but that thing is intense. The only good thing about it is that it leaves a pleasant sore spot that lasts for a couple of days. It just takes alot of rubbing to get to the pleasantness.
Yesterday morning to top it off, he followed it up with a couple from the cane and the brat loop. I was going shopping and he wanted to send me off with an ouchie bottom. It worked! LOL
It’s been a loooonng week, I’ve got a soooorre bottom, and a big silly grin on my face. Now I’m just wondering what the weekend will bring. *grin*
We have a similar object in our household. I can take a pretty intense spanking, but some times the smallest thing can pack such a mighty wallop!
Very Nice Blog!
spatularized huh?
hehehehe.. Now, that’s just loopy.
Janeen, thanks! It’s almost pathetic that I’ve been humbled by a stupid kitchen spatula. 😆
Patty, yeah, I’m loopy! As long as I’m not getting the brat loopy, I’m happy. 😉