Still On Vacation!
Believe it or not, we’re still on the road exploring and having fun. We plan to start heading home next week so I won’t be able to post anything lengthy until after the first of September.
Until then I’ll still have these short posts to keep things lively around here. I just wish I could keep up with the comments better. I’ll catch up eventually with all of you though, I promise!
I also have lots of fun stories about our trip. We’re having a great time and I’m constantly amazed by all that I see. I’m an animal lover and seeing so many different animals in their own enviroment has been awesome. Not to mention the beautiful scenery. It’s been great!
Of course, we’ve managed to squeeze in a fair amount of playtime. We’re both really enjoying that new toy I blogged about earlier which has come in really handy on this trip. It’s a quiet toy but packs alot of sting so it’s good for quick spankings where noise isn’t a good idea. I can still be a little loud but pillows make good sound mufflers. *grin*
I’ll give yᬬ a more indepth report when we get back. Especially if Dan gets his way and I get that outdoor switching he’s been promising me threatening this whole trip. Until then, enjoy the pretty pictures and other quickie posts I have prepped and ready to post, and I’ll try to stay out of trouble. Heh.