
Spanking Furniture — 3 Comments

  1. I did that in Ikea! Waited til all the sales staff and customers were elsewhere and leant VERY briefly over a stool that looked ideal for spanking over. (It would have been too, had we been prepared to go back when they were preapred to get the thing off it’s shelf – apparently they would have to have closed the store to do so…)

    Glad you got your choccie 🙂 I’ve been munching my way thru a variety of Green & Blacks choccie 🙂

  2. I have the perfect spanking couch. Although I realized it in practice and not by picking it out.

    When I read the title to this post, I thought, now what kind of perv spanks their furniture LOL!


  3. Am, if Dan had his way, furniture shopping would involve tossing me over every piece just to see if it’d be good for spanking on. Variety Green & Blacks? That sounds yummy!

    Whirlbrain, maybe you subconsiously picked out the perfect spanko couch? And no, we don’t spank our furniture. We’re kinky, but we’re not that kinky! 😆