
I Love Spankings! — 6 Comments

  1. This would be great on a tiny tee shirt you could prance around the house in whenever you wanted to give Dan a hint. 😉

  2. Red, thanks! I’m glad you love it. 🙂

    Sandy, I’d love to put it on a shirt but that would send Dan into overdrive. Sometime I’ll have to tell you about when I was modeling my new shirt that has “You Brat” written across the front. He about went crazy! LOL

  3. Spankme…, I originally made the girl for a friend of mine and then got creative and drew the guy in behind her. She just looked lonely by herself. 😉

    Dave, I’m glad you reminded me! I even updated my links and had it in my mind to change yours and forgot. It’s this new spanking regime, it’s got me all crazy! LOL