
Sweet Dreams…Not! — 3 Comments

  1. I *offered* to go to work with the tweezers, but was my kindly offer of grooming assistance accepted? It was not.

  2. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

    Oh My!!!!


    You could try leting Dan do the wax thing for you… kinda diabolically evil and BDSM ish…

  3. Hiya. I got linked to your journal through spankingblog and this entry caught my eye, cause I’ve been having my dreams analysed lately. Aparantly, dreaming about hair means you are dreaming about your root. (your root chakra, source of your strength, base energy etc). I had a dream where I had a beard on my face and like you was disturbed and woke up and felt my face to check i wasnt’ the new bearded woman! But my dream analysis woman told me about this thing with the deeper meaning being about the root and about strength. So just thought i would share to let you know you may be dreaming about how you are becomming stronger so the dreams might not be as bad as they seem!